Hi loves.
So let's begin with names. Mine is Zubana. And if you've happened to stumble across this page then let me get you up to scratch with what you're going to find! I'm a fashion fanatic. Pretty average, I know, in a world budding with bloggers and fashionistas. But one more can't harm the planet!
So I'm a Londoner through and through, born and bred, who just loves fashion. I love clothes and makeup (just a typical girl) but then I love diy and travelling! So hopefully if you like that stuff too you'll enjoy my effortless and hopefully witty rambling of all my life lusts :D
But fashion is not where I draw the line! I'm a avid green tea worshiper (newly converted) my curly hair is my staple. As you'll come to realise it's part of my personality and my wardrobe! PBJ sandwiches and milk. Need I say more. I'm obsessed with natural remedies to anything! If I can make it I will! Heels are sexy. But I look like a penguin walking in them. Poetry. Make me think with words and I'm obsessed.
Lots of love
Keep upto date with me!